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Quote App

Generating daily email content from my quote notebook.

Who doesn’t love the coincidental wisdom of a great quote? One of the joys of reading is stumbling across those one-liners that perfectly encapsulate the essence of a book or chapter. Over the years, I’ve been jotting these down—quotes from books, conversations, and experiences that stood out. Now, with hundreds of them compiled, I decided it was time to revisit what I’ve deemed most meaningful.

The result is my daily quote application and email notification, styled with matching CCS for maximum impact. Running on a Raspberry Pi at home, the script pulls a random quote from a CSV file each morning. At 8:30 AM—just after my first coffee or two—it sends the quote to my inbox via SMTP. The front-end Flask app can be refreshed to pull a new quote on command. The setup runs using nohup -u with output logging for easy monitoring.

In addition to serving the quote and attribution, an outbound link to the author's Wikipedia's page is provided on click of the author's name. Not every quote is inspirational, but all are meaningful. It’s a daily reminder to stay curious and keep learning something new every day.

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